Pond Lick Run


April 26th

          Mike and I were up early this morning and went for a walk around the lodge area.  We had several new sightings before breakfast including a Yellow-throated Warbler, Blue-winged Warbler and Orchard Oriole.  After breakfast we went birding on Forest Rd. 1 also known as Pond Lick Run. This was a well-maintained paved road with very little traffic, so we made many stops along the way and found lots of our target birds including Worm-eating Warbler (voted bird of the day), Louisiana Waterthrush, Kentucky Warbler and Prairie Warbler.  We also got great looks at a Scarlet Tanager and Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

          We returned to the lodge for lunch and had an easy afternoon with a little down time.  We were saving ourselves for a night excursion to look for Chuck-will’s-Widow.  We left after dinner and drove up and down a country road where they have been seen in the past, but we didn’t hear any.  It was a chilly evening, and we aren’t sure if they have returned yet.  We did hear a Whip-poor-will so at least we found something.  I think we’ll all sleep well tonight after a busy day of birding. (14 new species, total 206)

 Eastern Whip-poor-will (scarce)       Blue-winged Warbler

 White-eyed Vireo                   Kentucky Warbler (scarce)

          Red-eyed Vireo                 American Redstart

          Orchard Oriole                   Yellow-throated Warbler

          Ovenbird                           Prairie Warbler

          Worm-eating Warbler         Scarlet Tanager

          Louisiana Waterthrush       Rose-breasted Grosbeak

                                               Blue-winged Warbler

                                               Kentucky Warbler

                                               Yellow-throated Warbler

                                                Scarlet Tanager

                            Rose-breasted Grosbeak (female)

                           Female Wood Duck with babies 



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