Southwest Winds


April 24th

          Birding season is really underway.  The first two weeks in May is the peak time for warbler migration in our area.  When it comes to migration, some days are much better than other days depending largely on the prevailing winds.  If birds are heading north, they like the wind behind them for an easier flight so the ideal wind is out of the southwest.  Last night the winds were blowing from that direction and a lot of new arrivals showed up this morning, so it was a special day at Magee Marsh. 

          Birders love to see warblers because they are brightly colored, and their songs are complex and fun to try and learn.  We were able to see six new species of warblers as well as some other returning birds.  (13 new species, total 182)   

     Green Heron                 Northern Waterthrush

     Yellow-throated Vireo    Black-and-white Warbler

     House Wren                 Common Yellowthroat

     Gray Catbird                 Hooded Warbler

     Veery                            Blackburnian Warbler

     Swainson’s Thrush       Black-throated Green Warbler

     Lincoln’s Sparrow (scarce)

                                        Blackburnian Warbler

                                        Black-throated Green Warbler

                                          Black-and-white Warbler

                                        Yellow-throated Vireo

                                         Green Heron

                                          Swainson's Thrush



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