Vesper Sparrow and more


April 10th

          We had no time for birding yesterday, so we were both enthusiastic about going out today.  We were anxious to see the Magee Marsh boardwalk which just reopened a couple of days ago.  There was a strong storm that went through that area last August causing significant damage.  Numerous trees snapped off or were uprooted and there was major damage to the boardwalk.  One of the eagle nests was also blown down.  The area has been closed for tree removal and repairs and just reopened.

          It really is a little early for most Spring migrants, but it was good to be back on the boardwalk.  It was amazing and heartbreaking to see the devastation but hopefully the birds will be back.  It was quiet but we did see our first of the year Hermit Thrush.  It is a medium-sized thrush that is brown above with a distinctive reddish tail.  It is a hardy bird that migrates north earlier in the Spring and stays later in the Fall than other similar thrushes.

          After leaving Magee Marsh, we went to Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge and saw several Purple Martins setting up housekeeping in their gourd-shaped communal nest boxes.  Our next stop was Maumee Bay State Park where we finally saw four Caspian Terns on the inland beach.  There were also large numbers of migrating Bonaparte’s Gulls.

          We were headed home when I just happened to notice a report about a Vesper Sparrow sighting at the Sandhill Crane Wetlands.  We decided to check it out and were excited to see two Vesper Sparrows including one singing in the top of a tree.  That was the grand finale for a wonderful day of birding. 

(4 new species, total 152)

          Caspian Tern

          Purple Martin

          Hermit Thrush

          Vesper Sparrow  

                                       Vesper Sparrow

                                       Vesper Sparrow (another view)

                                       Hermit Thrush
                                       Eastern Towhee (male)

                                       Purple Martin (male)

                                       Caspian Terns



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