Connecticut Warbler


May 21st

          This morning Mike and I went back to Magee Marsh probably for the last time this year because the Spring migration is just about over.  We were still hoping to find a Connecticut Warbler.  This bird had been seen for the last two days on the boardwalk so we figured this might be our last best hope of finding one. 

          We arrived about 10:00am and soon after we came across a crowd of birders.  We asked what they were looking for and the answer was, “There’s a Connecticut back there.”  We started looking around in the thick underbrush and couldn’t find anything.  After a few minutes, I heard the distinctive call of a Connecticut Warbler which kind of sounds like chee-pa-chuh; chee-pa-chuh; chee-pa-chuh; chee chik-a-too-ee; chik-a-too-ee.  The bird continued to call repeatedly, and a few people got a quick look at him, but we never did.  However, hearing a bird and being able to identify it by sound counts.  You don’t necessarily need to see it.

          For us, the Connecticut made a clean sweep of all 36 regularly occurring warblers that can be seen in Ohio.  This is a feat that we have never accomplished before.  We are proud to have seen so many warblers this year.  Tomorrow, we leave on a quick trip back to southern Ohio in search of a Chuck-will’s-widow and whatever else we find.  No photos today. 

(1 new species, total 268)

Connecticut Warbler


  1. That is something to celebrate, having seen all 36 migrating and nesting Ohio warblers. Mazel Tov.


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