My Favorite Warbler (Prothonotary)


May 10th

          The winds were favorable again today.  We decided to try and beat the crowd by arriving early at the boardwalk.  As we drove into Magee Marsh, I heard the hoarse fitz-bew call of a Willow Flycatcher (1st new bird of the day).  We arrived at the west entrance of the boardwalk about 7:45am.  Along the edge of the woodlot, there was a crowd of birders with binoculars and cameras raised.  We went to investigate and were able to see our first Mourning Warbler of the year.  A very good way to start the morning.

          There were lots of new arrivals today.  Flycatchers, which tend to be later migrants, are starting to return.  We saw an Eastern Wood-Pewee as well as the Willow, Least and Great Crested Flycatchers.  We also saw a variety of vireos including a Philadelphia, White-eyed, Blue-headed, Warbling and Red-eyed. 

          We saw 22 species of warblers on the boardwalk including four new ones.  This was a really good morning and by arriving early we saw lots of birds and avoided the crowds that clogged the boardwalk later on.  Before leaving, we went to see a Screech Owl that is nesting on the Estuary Trail.  They are always fun to see, and Mike got a good picture.  We had to hurry home because Mike had a bridge game this afternoon.

(7 new species, total 247)

          Eastern Wood-Pewee            Tennessee Warbler

          Willow Flycatcher                 Mourning Warbler

          Philadelphia Vireo                 Blackpoll Warbler

                                                         Canada Warbler

                                       Prothonotary Warbler

                                       Bay-breasted Warbler

                                       Chestnut-sided Warbler

                                       Black-throated Blue Warbler

                                       Scarlet Tanager

                                       Philadelphia Vireo

                                       Killdeer (baby)

                                       Eastern Screech-Owl



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