Nelson's Sparrow


June 29th (posted June 30th)

          It turns out the weatherman was wrong.  Other than a couple of sprinkles on the windshield, we didn’t have any rain.  We started out the day at a marshy area east of Edmonton on a dirt road with no traffic.  We were hoping to hear a Yellow Rail and were unsuccessful, but it turned out to be a great spot.  The marsh had sedge grass and we heard multiple Sedge Wrens calling.  There were Black Terns flying low and Franklin’s Gulls flying overhead.  We saw two White-faced Ibis as well as winnowing Wilson’s Snipe and  Sora calling in the distance.  Several different species of sparrows were present including LeConte’s, Nelson’s, Clay-colored, Savannah and Vesper.     

Our next stop was Elk Island National Park.  It was established in 1906 to protect elk in their southern boreal plains habitat.  Elk Island has helped protect many species including beaver, bison and trumpeter swans.  We stopped at several ponds and lakes there and saw lots of ducks.  The highlight was to see all the nesting Red-necked Grebes with their babies.  That is a beautiful bird.

In the late afternoon we stopped at the Clifford E. Lee Nature Sanctuary near Edmonton.  This was a very tranquil spot, and we were delighted to see many nesting ducks and coots with their babies.  We walked on the boardwalk around the lake and spotted several Eared Grebes that also nest here.

We had dinner at an Indian Restaurant called Guru and tomorrow we head back to Calgary as our trip is drawing to a close.  (2 new FOY species, total for Alberta 35)

Nelson’s Sparrow

White-faced Ibis  

                                            Nelson's Sparrow

                                             White-faced Ibis

                                            Black Tern
                                            Wilson's Snipe

                                            Franklin's Gull

                                            Savannah Sparrow


                                   Red-necked Grebe (with baby on its back)

                                            Ruddy Duck

                                            Eared Grebe

                                            Coot with baby



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