Western Tanager


June 23rd

          After a continental breakfast at the inn, we drive the Red Rock Parkway and made many stops at the pullouts to look for birds.  We got several good looks at a Lazuli Buntings, and we heard a Black-headed Grosbeak.  At the end of the parkway is the Red Rock Canyon.  We took a hike and saw a Dark-eyed Junco, Pine Siskin, Western Wood-Pewee and Olive-sided Flycatcher.

          We drove back to town for lunch and this afternoon we took another drive on the Akamina Parkway.  Along the way we saw a Pileated Woodpecker and Wilson’s and Yellow-rumped Warblers.  We stopped at a pullout and got great looks at a Western Tanager which to me was the bird of the day.  As we went further up the road, Mike spotted a bear right on the side of the road.  It seemed to be a young bear and was eating dandelions.  This was a Black Bear but apparently there is a lot of color variation among Black Bears in the western United States.  This particular bear was very blond.  When we reached the end of the parkway, we took another hike along Cameron Lake and saw several Canada Jays, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and a Fox Sparrow.

          Waterton Lakes National Park was devastated by the Kenow Wildfire in August 2017.  The park suffered extensive damage and acres and acres of trees were burned.  Things are starting to regenerate but it will take years for the area to recover.  The village itself was spared because of the heroic actions of the firefighters.  It is still a very beautiful area with spectacular scenery, and we have enjoyed our time here.

          (5 FOY species, total for Alberta 28)

          Western Wood-Pewee

          Canada Jay

          Western Tanager

          Black-headed Grosbeak

          Lazuli Bunting

                                           Western Tanager

                                           Lazuli Bunting

                                           MacGillivray's Warbler

                                           Black Bear

                                           Canada Jay

                                                     Red Rock Canyon

                                           Devastation from Kenow wildfire


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