Monday February 6th - All Around the Town


Monday February 6th – All Around the Town

          Mike and I  have developed a bad habit of chasing birds all over the state of Ohio.  We are really trying to stay closer to home and find birds locally.  Today was a free day so we decided to go to the Sandhill Crane Wetlands this morning. This is a new park which adds 280 acres to the Kitty Todd Nature Preserve owned by the Nature Conservancy. 

          We saw several raptors at this location including a Rough-legged Hawk, two Red-tailed Hawks, an adult Bald Eagle, a Red-shouldered Hawk and a Cooper’s Hawk.  We also saw a huge flock of Common Grackles which was a FOY (first of the year) bird for us.  Grackles are one of the very early Spring migrants and they are just starting to head north in large numbers.

          After returning home for lunch we headed to Bay View Park in north Toledo to look for gulls and waterfowl.  We saw some Greater and Lesser Black-backed Gulls and a nice variety of ducks.  We walked around the woodlot there and saw a Hermit Thrush which flew up and landed in a nearby tree.  Normally we don’t see this bird until the end of April or beginning of May so it was a great find.

          It was about 4:00pm and I was ready to head for home and have plenty of time to make a nice home cooked dinner.  However, Mike said, “Just check the postings and see if anything turned up.”  Sure enough, there was a Long-tailed Duck that had been seen at Bend View Metropark along the Maumee River which is in the opposite end of town about 30minutes away.  We decided to go look for it since a Long-tailed Duck is a very good bird.

          We arrived at the spot and after a little searching, we located the duck.  This was a very special bird found close to home, and we were very happy to find three new FOY birds.  We got home and had a nice dinner a little later than anticipated.  

                                           Hermit Thrush

                                           Rough-legged Hawk

                                           Common Grackle



  1. Wow you saw so much in one day!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes. It was a good day. Lots of birds around.

  2. That is a good itinerary that we should follow.

    1. This was a crazy itinerary but it worked out well.

  3. Wow a very nice day ! We like going to Bay View Park always something great to see. Thanks foe the updates.

    1. We really like Bay View. Lots of ducks and gulls this time of year.


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