Opening Commentary for 2023

 Opening Commentary

Mike and I are definitely NOT doing another Birding Big Year in 2023.  However, birding is always somewhat of a numbers game.  Do you think you’ll get a “January 100” this year?  How many “20 warbler days” have you had?  Do you have the “falcon trifecta” or have you seen all the woodpeckers yet this year?  As one of the top Ohio birders said on Facebook, “It’s January 1st and we get to start all over again!”  Mike said recently, “This “birding bug” is a disease and I’m not sure if it’s curable.”

           We now record all of our bird sightings on ebird and are supposed to list the number of birds seen not just the number of species.  So, there are always numbers questions.  How many starlings are in that tree?  How many scaup are out on the lake?  Did you see seven or eight robins? 

          Even though we don’t have a numbers goal this year, we hope to be out there birding and I will continue to periodically post on the blog with a few new birding adventures.  Hope you continue to enjoy our blog.



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