Sunday January 8th - Short-eared Owls


Sunday January 8th – Short-eared Owls

          We spent Sunday morning at Oak Openings Metropark and saw a Red-shouldered Hawk, Red-headed Woodpecker and Brown Creeper.  There was also a male Purple Finch at the Windows on Wildlife (feeders).

          In the afternoon we saw a Northern Mockingbird in east Toledo and Snow Buntings on the beach at Maumee Bay State Park.  We ended our day at Howard’s Marsh where at least three Short-eared Owls were flying around at dusk.  During the day the marsh is often patrolled by Northern Harriers (also known as Marsh Hawks).  The Harrier has a disk-shaped face much like an owl’s that directs sound to its ears.  It relies on its hearing as well as vision to capture mice and voles found scurrying beneath the vegetation. In the evening there is a shift change and the Short-eared Owls take over.  It is always interesting to see these two raptors in search of their prey.

                                           Short-eared Owl

                                             Red-shouldered Hawk

                                                  Red-headed Woodpecker

                                           Purple Finch

                                            Northern Mockingbird

                                            Snow Buntings


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